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Guiding Baby into Position: Natural Solutions for Breech Births and Peace of Mind

Ashley Michaud • November 12, 2024

Navigating the Journey of a Breech Baby: A Story of Trust, Tradition, and Empowerment

At 35 weeks pregnant, I went to my midwife for a routine check-up, feeling prepared and grounded in my plan for a home birth. But in that moment, as she carefully pressed around my belly, her expression shifted. My baby was in a breech position, and while I felt there was still time, she continued speaking, her words blurred in my mind. She told me that, in medical terms, this put me in a high-risk category.

I left that appointment with a requisition for an emergency ultrasound, tears welling up and my mind spiraling. She explained in detail the typical path from this point—hospital interventions, doctors manually attempting to turn the baby, which could lead to premature labor, emergency cesarean sections, or, in rare cases, issues like cord entanglement.

It felt like I had been jolted from my peaceful vision of a home birth to a clinical landscape, and fear took hold. Desperately seeking a sense of reassurance, I called my doula, who is trained in supporting breech births. Her voice, calm and grounded, brought me back to myself. She reminded me that at 35 weeks, my baby still had time to move into the head-down position and that many babies, especially in mothers who have previously given birth, don’t settle head-down until right before labor.

Her own story of a breech pregnancy years ago further reassured me. Her doctor at the time had taken a hands-off approach, believing that her baby would be born “how he wanted.” Her son turned into optimal position just before labor. Decades have passed since her experience, and yet, it became a lifeline, a reminder of how medicalized birthing has drifted away from the individual rite of passage it once was.

This experience has ignited a powerful exploration into breech births, and I want to share everything I’ve learned about breech positioning, historical and cultural perspectives, natural techniques for encouraging optimal positioning, and the grounding affirmations and visualizations that can help soothe an anxious heart.

Our Personal Success Story: How My Baby Flipped Into Position at 38 Weeks

When I found out my baby, Rylie, was breech at 35 weeks, the news hit like a storm. Midwives and medical professionals began proposing interventions that didn’t align with my vision of a natural, intuitive birth. Their suggestions—though well-meaning—felt rooted in their need for certainty rather than my trust in the process. I knew deep down that I needed to step away from their sense of urgency and instead tune into my own body, my baby, and my faith.

I declared to myself and my support team: "I’m a slow cooker, not an easy-bake oven." With that, I gave myself the space to explore gentler, holistic methods to encourage Rylie to flip. Here's how each approach I tried played a role in our success:

  • Moxibustion: This ancient Chinese practice of burning moxi sticks near acupressure points in the small left toe is known for helping breech babies turn. The warmth and stimulation near my feet helped me focus my energy on connecting with Rylie, while promoting relaxation and circulation.
  • Yoga Poses: Everyday I practiced poses like cat-cow and inversions, which created space in my pelvis and allowed gravity to guide Rylie into position. These poses also eased tension in my lower back and hips, helping me feel more grounded and aligned. I would breath in filling my belly, and breath out opening my body to make more space.
  • Swimming: Time at the community pool was transformative. Being in water not only relieved the weight of my belly but also gave Rylie the freedom to move. I’d float, do gentle flips, and let my body surrender to the rhythm of the water. I tapped into the water element, taking space for a needed cry and release of emotions.
  • Sleep Position Adjustments: I started sleeping on my left side with a pillow between my knees, keeping my pelvis open and aligned. I also put a pillow at my feet so I would stay even through the night. Every small adjustment reminded me to trust my body’s ability to create the right conditions for Rylie.
  • Birthing Ball & Hip Rolls: Sitting on a birthing ball and gently rolling my hips was a game-changer. This movement helped loosen my ligaments, allowing my baby more room to move. It also became a meditative practice where I’d visualize Rylie turning. Spinning baby techniques like the inversions helped too, I would imagine an air bubble rising and Rylie setting gently into position,
  • Daily Affirmations: Words have power. Each morning, I would affirm: "My baby knows what to do. My body knows what to do. We are perfectly aligned and working together." These mantras helped me shift from fear to trust and from control to love. My friend Juliana added to this practice by walking me through some "Mastery Systems" Techniques. This was super helpful for releasing emotions and filling this space with confidence.
  • Hypnosis & Emotional Release: My mom guided me through hypnosis sessions, where I visualized Rylie in the ideal position. During a 3-day microdosing journey, I journaled my fears, allowed myself to cry, and released deep-seated anxieties. Letting go of those fears cleared the way for me to refocus on love, faith, and connection with my baby.

And guess what? It worked! At my next ultrasound, we saw that Rylie had flipped. Despite the medical team’s lingering doubts and caution, I stood firm in my decision to trust myself and continue planning for the natural home birth I had envisioned.

This experience taught me invaluable lessons: fear can be transformed into love, trust is more powerful than control, and the bond between a mother and her baby is a force of nature. I’m endlessly grateful for the unwavering support from my family, my doula team, and the natural resources that empowered me to navigate this challenge on my own terms.

As I move into the final weeks of this pregnancy, I feel a deep sense of joy, confidence, and connection. This journey has solidified my belief in the strength of my body, the wisdom of my baby, and the transformative power of faith.

✨ If you find yourself facing uncertainty during pregnancy—or in life—know this: you have the power to create your own path. Trust your instincts, embrace your feelings, and lean into love. Your body and your baby know what to do.

A Historical Perspective on Breech Birth

Throughout history, breech births were treated as natural variations rather than emergencies. In many traditional societies, midwives, shamans, and birth attendants developed and passed down techniques to support safe breech births. Ancient Egyptians, Indigenous cultures, and communities in South Asia used position-changing methods, herbal remedies, and manual manipulation to help encourage babies into optimal positions. In fact, these midwives were typically trained in breech deliveries and confident in handling them without fear.

However, modern medicine’s shift from community-based, holistic birthing practices to hospital-based, intervention-heavy care came with a pivotal moment known as the Term Breech Trial in 2000. This large, international study claimed that planned cesarean section was safer than vaginal breech delivery. In response, many hospitals worldwide stopped training medical professionals to deliver breech babies vaginally, and cesarean sections became the default recommendation. Yet years later, flaws in the Term Breech Trial came to light, and follow-up studies have questioned its conclusions.

Nonetheless, the shift toward surgical intervention remained, and today, most medical providers aren’t trained in breech delivery techniques, including many midwives.

What Can Cause a Breech Position in Pregnancy?

In many cases, the causes of a baby staying in a breech position are unknown. However, certain habits and positions can create environments that make it more challenging for a baby to turn head-down. Here’s a closer look at some factors that can contribute to a breech position—and what to be mindful of in daily life.

  • Tight Clothing or High-Waisted Maternity Pants: Tight clothing can restrict your abdomen, limiting your baby’s movement. High-waisted maternity pants or restrictive belly bands can also create an upward pressure, giving baby less room to turn down into the pelvis. To promote freedom of movement, opt for loose, comfortable clothing, especially in the third trimester. Occasional use of high-waisted pants or belly support is fine, but try not to wear them all day, particularly during longer periods of sitting or lying down.
  • Sitting in Slouchy Positions or Reclining Too Much: Sitting in recliners, on soft couches, or in slouchy chairs for long periods can place your pelvis in a tilted-back position, which encourages the baby to rest with their back towards your spine (a posterior position) or with their head upwards. Aim to sit with your knees lower than your hips to help position your pelvis in a forward tilt. Using a firm chair and adding a cushion or rolled towel behind your lower back can also support good posture. If you need to rest on a couch, consider sitting on the edge with feet flat on the floor or using a birthing ball for additional support.
  • Prolonged Sitting, Especially in a Vehicle: Long periods of sitting—whether at a desk or in a car—can reduce pelvic mobility and encourage your baby to settle in less-than-ideal positions. If you have a job that requires sitting all day, try to take standing or walking breaks every hour, and consider using a sit-stand desk if available. If you're on a long car ride, stop every hour to stretch and move around. When sitting, tilt your pelvis slightly forward by placing a small pillow or wedge under your sitting bones.
  • Sleeping on Your Back: While many people find back-sleeping comfortable, this position can restrict blood flow to your lower body and put pressure on your spine, especially in the third trimester. This position may also prevent your baby from moving freely into an optimal birthing position. Try to sleep on your side, ideally your left side, as this encourages better circulation and gives your baby space to move. Placing a pillow between your knees can help keep you comfortable and prevent you from rolling onto your back during sleep.

Types of Breech Presentation and Their Implications

A baby in a breech position simply means they’re positioned feet or bottom-first rather than head-first. There are different kinds of breech positions, each with its own considerations:

  1. Frank Breech: The baby’s legs are straight up, with feet near their face and bottom down.
  2. Complete Breech: The baby is sitting cross-legged, with feet and bottom both positioned to come down first.
  3. Footling Breech: One or both feet are positioned to come out first.

While the head-down position is often viewed as ideal, the baby’s orientation within the womb also matters. For instance, a head-down baby facing the mother’s back is in an optimal position, whereas “spine-to-spine” (posterior) can result in prolonged labor or other complications.

Modern Medical Interventions for Breech Babies

In most modern medical settings, a breech baby triggers a referral to an OB-GYN for a procedure called an external cephalic version (ECV). During an ECV, a doctor attempts to manually turn the baby from the outside, applying pressure to the mother’s belly. This procedure, while sometimes effective, is not always successful. And even if it is, there is always a chance that the baby could return to the breech position. Furthermore, it carries some risk, such as premature labor, rupturing membranes, or complications with the umbilical cord, so it is often done in a hospital setting where emergency care is available.

If the ECV is unsuccessful, or the provider deems a breech birth too high-risk, many hospitals recommend a planned cesarean section. This approach, though medically necessary in some cases, is not without drawbacks. Cesarean deliveries can lead to increased recovery time, potential birth complications, and emotional impacts on mothers who desire a more natural birthing experience.

Natural Techniques for Encouraging Optimal Positioning

For those who wish to explore natural techniques to encourage optimal positioning, there are a variety of practices to consider, many of which have roots in traditional birthing knowledge:

  • Spinning Babies Techniques: This set of exercises, such as the Forward-Leaning Inversion, aims to create space in the lower uterus, encouraging the baby to turn head-down.
  • Inversions and Yoga: Certain yoga poses like Cat-Cow, Pelvic Tilts, and Child’s Pose can encourage movement and relaxation of the pelvis, helping the baby find a favorable position.
  • Rebozo Sifting: An ancient Mexican practice using a rebozo (a long shawl) to gently rock the pelvis and abdomen, promoting baby movement.
  • Homeopathic Remedies: Some natural practitioners recommend Pulsatilla, a remedy believed to help turn breech babies by encouraging the baby to be more active.
  • Swimming and Walking: Swimming allows the mother’s belly to be buoyant, creating more space for the baby to move, while walking gently encourages the baby’s head to engage in the pelvis.
  • Orgasm: The natural release of oxytocin during orgasm can help relax the pelvic muscles and increase blood flow to the uterus, aiding in positioning.

These practices not only honor the natural progression of labor but also allow a birthing mother to stay grounded in her autonomy, intuition, and strength.

Specific Movements to Encourage Ideal Positioning

Incorporating specific movements into your routine can open the pelvis, relax the surrounding muscles, and create more space for your baby to turn. These practices are most effective when combined with deep breathing and visualization, helping you to stay connected and present.

  • Forward-Leaning Inversion (from Spinning Babies): This exercise involves getting onto your knees and hands, then lowering your forearms to the floor with your head slightly lower than your hips. This position gently stretches your lower back and creates space in the lower uterus, encouraging the baby to reposition. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to one minute while taking slow, deep breaths. Repeat once or twice daily.
  • Pelvic Tilts (Cat-Cow): Pelvic tilts are simple but effective. Begin on all fours and slowly alternate between arching your back upward (like a cat) and lowering your belly downward (like a cow), creating a wave-like motion in your spine. This gentle movement helps loosen the lower back and opens up the pelvis. Spend a few minutes in this pose each day, allowing your body and baby to move freely.
  • Walking and Lunging: Walking and doing lunges encourage baby’s head to engage in the pelvis and are especially helpful in the last weeks of pregnancy. Try a gentle walking routine, ideally on varied terrain or up and down gentle inclines, which increases pelvic mobility. If comfortable, you can incorporate deep lunges, ensuring you hold onto a stable surface. As you lunge, breathe deeply and visualize your pelvis as open and spacious.
  • Swimming: Swimming creates buoyancy, allowing your baby the freedom to move naturally and get into a head-down position. Try spending time in the pool, moving slowly and focusing on breathing. Water exercises like “dolphin” kicks (where you kick your legs up and down gently in the water) can help encourage the baby to reposition.
  • Mile Circuit: The Mile Circuit is a series of positions and movements designed to encourage the baby into an ideal position. It includes:

Open-Knee Chest Position: Kneeling with your bottom high and chest low for a few minutes.

Side-Lying Release: Lying on each side for 10 minutes, allowing your baby to settle into position.

Lunging and Walking: Combining lunges and walking to promote engagement.

  • Belly Dancing or Gentle Hip Circles: Rhythmic, circular hip movements (similar to belly dancing) help release tension in the pelvis and allow the baby more space to turn. You can do these movements on a birthing ball or while standing, focusing on making slow, controlled circles with your hips. Relax your upper body and let your hips move freely.
  • Breath and Visualization in Movement: As you move through these positions, integrate deep breathing. Each time you inhale, envision space opening within your pelvis, and on the exhale, visualize your baby settling deeper into that space. This mindful approach grounds both you and your baby, fostering an environment that supports natural movement and calmness.

Incorporating these practices throughout the day can transform the birthing journey, helping both mother and baby prepare for a calm and empowered birth, whatever position baby chooses to arrive in.

Hypnobirthing Techniques for Encouraging Baby to Move Head-Down

Hypnobirthing techniques can be wonderful tools for encouraging a breech baby to turn head-down in a gentle, intuitive way. These methods foster connection, relaxation, and focus, creating an environment that encourages your baby to respond positively.

  • Talking to Your Baby: Take time each day to communicate with your baby, imagining a calm and gentle conversation. In a comfortable position, place your hands on your belly and talk softly, reassuring your baby that you’re both preparing for birth together. Visualize them in a head-down position, telling them how loved and safe they are as they make their way down into the optimal position. This practice not only encourages bonding but also reduces stress, making it easier for your body to relax and encourage natural movement.
  • Using Light and Temperature Cues: Babies are responsive to light and temperature changes. By shining a gentle light (like a flashlight) at the base of your belly, you can encourage the baby to follow it, creating a natural curiosity to turn head-down. Try this in the evenings, when your baby is more likely to respond to light changes. Similarly, using temperature cues can encourage the baby to move. Placing an ice pack on the top of your belly and a warm compress at the bottom creates a temperature gradient, guiding the baby downwards toward the warmth. Be sure the ice pack is wrapped in cloth to avoid discomfort and keep the warm compress at a safe, comfortable temperature.
  • Visualization and Guided Meditation: Hypnobirthing teaches that the power of visualization can help both mother and baby feel aligned in purpose. Find a quiet place and imagine the pathway your baby will take, envisioning them nestled head-down with ease. Picture yourself breathing deeply and fully relaxed, and imagine your baby moving gently into position. These visualizations can be grounding and empowering, especially when paired with affirmations like, “My baby is moving easily into the perfect position for birth.”

Affirmations for Breech Births

Affirmations can serve as powerful anchors, bringing focus and calm during challenging moments. Here are some affirmations to guide you on this journey:

“I am at peace with my body and my baby.”

“I trust in my body’s wisdom and my baby’s timing.”

“I am open to whatever path my birthing experience takes.”

“I allow my baby to move through me with ease.”

“I trust my intuition more than the loud voices around me.”

A Guided Visualization for Trust and Calm

Take a few moments each day to connect with your breath and visualize your baby in the ideal position. Picture the journey your baby will take, head down, moving freely and naturally, following the rhythm of your body. Imagine your pelvis as spacious and open, and picture your baby settling comfortably within. With each breath, affirm your strength, your body’s wisdom, and the path your baby will take.

The Journey of Surrender

In reflecting on my own journey and current understanding, I’ve come to realize that birthing is an act of surrender as much as it is of strength. As a mother, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by the recommendations and opinions of those around us. Still, it is crucial to remember that birth is a unique and deeply personal experience.

Decades ago, breech births were just another variation of normal, honored in cultures worldwide. By reconnecting with these traditions and trusting the guidance of our bodies and our babies, we can embrace this journey with resilience and peace. For me, I’ve chosen to listen to my intuition. I promise myself peace of mind, and I am allowing my daughter to move through me with ease, in her own time and her own way.

Here’s a list of additional resources that would be helpful for anyone navigating a breech pregnancy or seeking to encourage baby’s optimal positioning naturally:


  • "Optimal Birth: What, Why & How" by Rachel Reed – This book covers empowering approaches to birth and includes sections on breech positioning and natural labor techniques.
  • "Spinning Babies® Parent Class Workbook" by Gail Tully – A workbook companion to the Spinning Babies approach, packed with exercises and positions to encourage optimal fetal positioning.
  • "Hypnobirthing: The Mongan Method" by Marie F. Mongan – Explores relaxation and visualization techniques that help mothers communicate with their baby and encourage natural birth.
  • "Breech Birth: What Are My Options?" by Benna Waites – A guide to understanding the risks, benefits, and natural approaches to breech birth, giving families the tools they need to make informed decisions.
  • "The Essential Homebirth Guide" by Jane E. Drichta and Jodilyn Owen – Includes guidance on preparing for home birth and addressing various birth positions, including breech.


  • Spinning Babies – A comprehensive resource for fetal positioning with practical exercises to help babies rotate head-down.
  • Evidence-Based Birth® – Research-based articles on breech birth options, turning techniques, and evidence-backed practices for a safer birth experience.
  • Hypnobirthing International – Hypnobirthing courses and resources that include methods for building connection and communication with your baby.
  • American Pregnancy Association – Offers information on breech positioning, medical options, and complementary techniques.


  • Spinning Babies® YouTube Channel – Offers short videos on exercises and positions, including forward-leaning inversions and pelvic tilts, designed to encourage optimal fetal positioning.
  • "Breech Birth Documentary: Heads Up" – This documentary explores the history of breech birth, the impact of the Breech Trial, and the modern movement towards breech training and options.
  • Hypnobirthing Visualization Meditations on YouTube – Search for "Hypnobirthing breech baby visualization" to find guided meditation videos that focus on visualization and bonding with baby.

Online Courses

  • Spinning Babies® Parent Class – Offers an in-depth class on the Spinning Babies technique, featuring methods that can be practiced daily to encourage optimal fetal positioning.
  • Hypnobirthing Online Course – Many hypnobirthing practitioners offer online courses, which often include modules on visualization, talking with baby, and maintaining calm to encourage natural positioning.
  • Evidence-Based Birth® Class on Breech Birth – This class discusses the research behind breech positioning, medical interventions, and how to advocate for your birthing choices.

Practitioners and Professionals

  • Certified Spinning Babies® Practitioners – Spinning Babies has a directory of certified practitioners who can provide personalized guidance and support.
  • Chiropractors Certified in the Webster Technique – A chiropractic technique that can help align the pelvis and encourage optimal fetal positioning. You can find certified practitioners through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA).
  • Experienced Doulas and Midwives – Many doulas and midwives trained in breech births have techniques and wisdom on natural ways to encourage a head-down position and may provide support during labor if a breech birth becomes necessary.


  • Freya Hypnobirthing App – An app that provides hypnobirthing techniques, guided relaxation, and audio tracks designed to calm and center mothers, supporting a smoother birthing experience.
  • Spinning Babies Daily Essentials App – Includes a series of guided movements and exercises specifically designed for daily practice to encourage optimal fetal positioning.
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